Wednesday, March 30, 2011

En Rose

Alain Berliner's "Ma Vie En Rose" or My Life in Pink
Who said that at 7 years-old, you knew nothing?

I am finally done watching Alain Berliner's "Ma Vie En Rose" or "My Life in Pink" which covers the life of Ludovic Fabre, a 7 year-old boy who believes he is a girl and wants to marry Jerome, a kid who lives right across his house. What started out as a film with humorous characters in a vivid, candy-coloured environment develops into a cold and painful depiction of Ludo's gender confusion.   

a peek into the lair :-)

Good Morning!

Sayonara, Bimbo!

My friend Johnrey a.k.a. "The Asian Bimbo" is leaving Brunei tomorrow. It is quite sudden but there's no changing his mind anymore. I know I will be missing the BBQ party his friends are throwing in his honor tonight but what I will gravely miss is his company. Crazy (in so many ways) and yet always a delightful company be in sobriety or insanity. This is one incomparable NUT. Brunei will never be the same without this BIMBO. To john, may you have enough of everything. See you when I see you. 

                                                                                                                                                   Franz :-)

Sunday, March 20, 2011


"You are the man removing my bobby pins, my hair unfurling, the one who saunters in still, grinning then absconding will all of my pulses, over and over again, that long graceful stride toward a city, toward a bathroom, toward a door. I sleep alone this week, my husband gone, rolling into my own empty arms might they be yours, sleep on top of them as if to kill them, and in the morning they are dead as salamis until i massage the blood down into them again with my palm. Sweet, sweet Riva, you said to the blind white place behind my ear. Come live with me and be my lunch."

-- To Fill, Lorrie Moore