Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Heaves of Gas

I hear a dissonant theme like a jab in the head
and I am a little bit rusty
and my scales don’t flow smoothly
but my groove is growing in me
I want another hour
another day
another week
I want another lover to ruin me hereafter
I want another god
a new promise of a better future
I want another rhythm
and this rhyme gets better now that I’m older ( but non the wiser)
I wish I’d crumble so my craft would get sharper
laugh at my idealistic hogwash frenemies
and say I am a walking disaster
this anger
bolder stronger deeper darker
is all what the world promised to offer
that I may be
renewed and
finally silenced
dancing to the tune of earths subtle spin
oh blindly fueled rage
this shadowboxer buried six-feet under
rears its ugly head and sees
for the first time in 26 years
that the world is multi-colored
and now that I am done off to the next chapter
--- Heaves of Gas of what would’ve been “Leaves of Grass”

Oh the Bane of Knowing Too Much About You.


Traveling Minstrel said...

Halt Hitman. This is a vehement piece.

I have two dueling emotions whenever I discover you've been writing again; one of happiness because I am assured that you're not neglecting a severe and unique talent, the other of sadness because it could only mean you are in pain.

I wish you happiness... but I wish you won't cease to write ever again.

Franz said...

thanks for dropping by mir . .. ill be okay , . love u much