Unlike in the Philippines, garage sales are a trend here. If you are to take a walk down Gadong, you'd notice a wall with various post-its announcing rooms for rent, massage parlors with services rendered, there are cars for sale, there are even dire hirings for a house help with specifications of either Indonesian or Filipino. Amongst all these mephistophilean posted ads, one will always come across a post announcing a garage sale. Although we have the very known Ukay-ukay (rummage sale) back in the Philippines, I have never come across a quote-unquote garage sale like the ones they have here or on some foreign countries as shown on Teevee ha-ha (that's because I always buy my stuff at the rummage sale near the public market and never in someone else's house where it's almost abashing to leave empty handed).
It is a smart way of getting rid of ones heap of junk and earn from those DVD's that sat too long on the shelf and occupied too much space, or those shirts whose colors and style you've outgrown, God knows those books you thought you'd read but left to accumulate dust instead, are worth something. You can even sell trinkets at a low price instead of chucking them into the bin (now I know what to do with these keychains I bought from K.L. K.K. Vietnam and Thailand. P.S. Travel dates are far apart from each other and yet nothing saps out my will to buy these as souvenir items from my travels ... when later on my most effective "souvenir" is my credit card bill and the heartache it incurs.)
So yeah, I went to 2 garage sales yesterday, smiled at my money and handed it to whoever is calculating after the stuff I picked. What I payed for could've cost me a book and a drink at coffee bean. But it's all for a good cause. One can always count on me being charitable. ha-ha
note: I was stuffed up from lunch, hence i'm having a hard time bending
The cool stuff I bought from the garage sales:
My favorite is this shirt with a hoodie & modern print in primary colors

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